Tea and biscuits

All adventures have several distinct phases. The first is my favourite because it is enjoyable, exhilarating and very easy. This is the unrolling of a big map and your blossoming daydreams. It can take place by yourself with a mug of tea and a packet of biscuits, or with a beer in the pub where the volume and audacity rises with every empty glass.
Tea and biscuits

All adventures have several distinct phases. The first is my favourite because it is enjoyable, exhilarating and very easy. This is the unrolling of a big map and your blossoming daydreams. It can take place by yourself with a mug of tea and a packet of biscuits, or with a beer in the pub where the volume and audacity rises with every empty glass.
This dreaming stage is where I pour all the vague reasons for why I want to do something into an actual, real idea. A dream becomes a plan. From the comfort of my kitchen, I picture my life changing as I trace the route of my adventure across the map. It is fun to dream happy thoughts without the struggle of actually doing anything. 
This is the point we have reached in our journey together. I'm afraid that the next phase is more gruelling. Because ahead of us lies the arrival of doubt and the onslaught of negative barriers.
This is the stage when most people fall by the wayside. You might not even have finished your biscuit before your own doubts arise. It is a jagged landscape crowded with dreamers, and few persevere long enough to enjoy the glorious views on the other side. It is time brush off the crumbs, fold away the map and roll up your sleeves. If your mission of living more adventurously is to succeed, you need to make through the rocky patch ahead. 

  • Why do you want to live more adventurously?
  • How are you going to live more adventurously?
  • What are you going to begin?
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