Displaying episodes 1 - 30 of 57 in total
The Doorstep Mile
Would you like a more adventurous life? Are you being held back by a lack of time or money? By fear, indecision, or a feeling of being selfish or an imposter? Living...
Trying to summon up the guts to step out of your front door and begin is difficult. This is the Doorstep Mile, the hardest and most important part of any journey. Ar...
How to Use this Podcast
Would you like to have more unusual, exciting or daring experiences? To be willing to take risks or to try out new methods, ideas, or experiences? I know that I would....
Skinny Dipping
Skinny dipping It is a hot summer’s day. The sparkling river below is enticing. You’d love to take the plunge. It would feel glorious in there – so much better than...
What does living adventurously mean?
Would you like to live more adventurously? I know that I certainly would.
How I began living adventurously
There is no correct route through life. There is no ideal lifestyle. There is not even one perfect way of life for you. It is better than that: there is an enticing ab...
Living adventurously changes with time
If you continue living the way you are, where will it put you ten years from now? Is that a place you want to be?
No, but...
I am not pretending to provide solutions with a handy 7-Step-Plan-To-Adventure-Greatness. Only you can do that. What I will try to do is help you notice the noise, fee...
Ask Why
Think of something you have been doing for a long time. (It could relate to your job, outside work or with your family.) Ask yourself, ‘why do I do this thing?’ Has th...
Start with why
‘My life sucks. I’m bored. I want to change things.’ Why? ‘So that I get back some purpose and direction. I want to feel healthier, happier and more alive.’
Case Study
This case study involves me, not because I’m particularly interesting but because I’m lazy. I have been writing books for a quarter of my life now. It is my job. Like ...
Focus, choose, do
Eliminating what you can’t do or don’t want to do is helpful. Far from making me sad, this simplification brings a lightness and enthusiasm for what is still available.
Back to the future
Interviews often ask, 'what advice would you offer to your younger self?' A more useful question is to ask what advice an older version of yourself would offer to you ...
Say yes more
I imagined myself as an old man looking back on my life. 50 years from now, how many urgent chores would I remember? Zero, of course. But I would be chuffed to regale ...
Follow your dreams, slowly
Start making, doing and learning. One day you might earn a little bit of money from it. Then repeat the whole process, but better.
Dream big, start small
If your dreams look unrealistic, try to work out how you can start walking in that direction or come up with a smaller version of the goal that you can begin today? Th...
Tea and biscuits
All adventures have several distinct phases. The first is my favourite because it is enjoyable, exhilarating and very easy. This is the unrolling of a big map and your...
What stops us
What practical barriers stand in your way? What mental barriers have you built up? Which concerns can be shunted further down the line?
The epidemic of busyness
There are a mere 168 hours in a week. This used to scare, sadden and infuriate me, even back when I could pour 70, 80, 90 hours directly into the stuff I loved. I used...
Important or urgent
Heading for the mountains with a rucksack and a back-breaking pile of firewood is perhaps a drastic option. You may not need to go that far if you do some ruthless dif...
Say No More
What can you say ‘no’ to that will free up time and energy for you to live more adventurously?
The scourge of time and money
The scourge of time and moneyFor most people reading this, the most significant practical hurdles standing in the way will be either time or money. (I confess to findi...
The inner fear
Many people share the same fears and bottlenecks. This might help you see that your difficulty is not unique and, perhaps more resolvable. A problem shared is a proble...
If I had no fear
It is rare to do something where, even if you are desperate, there is no option of quitting and scurrying off to somewhere a little cosier and safer. Out at sea, there...
What is failure?
It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to ...
The three stages of flabbiness
Each stage of flabbiness is more restricting and stifling than the one before it. They creep insidiously over me like vines until it takes one hell of a struggle to es...
Where did it all go wrong?
Whatever life bestows on us, nothing need restrict our attitude, our curiosity or our imagination. Whether you are 25 or 52, you can still opt to reclaim the youthful ...
I wish I could do what you do
Haven't we all felt this way at one time or another? I wish I could paint, but I have no talent; I wish I could be in a band, but I don't have the skills. I wish, I wi...
When Harry met Harry
I’ll let you into a secret. This is not about trusting your life to a coin toss. You are not letting the universe decide. When the coin lands you will notice that one ...
I choose not to
Of course, there are limits on our lives. The universe does occasionally kick you where it hurts. And few of us have as much time, money or expertise as we'd like to h...