The Death Clock

What date does the Death Clock predict you'll snuff it? Put it into your diary. What story will you choose to live before then?
The Death Clock

You have decided that you want to live more adventurously. You've got a head full of exciting ideas. You even know what your Doorstep Mile action is. 
But you can't begin it today, because you're tired. 
Actually, all of this week is pretty busy, so maybe it's best to wait until the first of the month to kick-start it. 'New month, new me!' 
The trouble is that next month, and the one after that, you will still be tired and busy. 
This is my final attempt to shake you into action, to remind you that time is ticking and that the harshest deadline of all is looming. Memento mori and all that. I want to finish by sharing with you one of my favourite websites... 
Check out
Death Clock calculates the date of your death. If you're the sort of procrastinating person who needs a deadline to get something done, well, there it is. Your deadline! Stick it in your diary now.
We had better get on with life, there's not long enough left, however old we are, and it is later than we think. 

Those of us reading this book are at the lottery winning end of the human spectrum. We are so lucky. We have a degree of choice over our lives. The course of our life will depend upon the decisions we make and the paths we walk. We can choose our own story and make it happen. Dust off your violin and stand in your plaza. Face the crowd, smile and give it your best shot. You might be surprised by how warmly the world responds. 
Above the desk in my shed is a quote. I see it every day.
'The life that I could still live, I should live and the thoughts that I could still think, I should think.'

  • What date does the Death Clock predict you'll snuff it? Put it into your diary.
  • What story will you choose to live before then?
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